Club Kit
Welcome to our club kit page. Understandably we’re big fans of our kit and we hope you’ll agree in saying that it’s one of the most distinctive and classy out there. We have access to a wide range of quality kit from our suppliers Le Col and Carvalho Custom that get us through all the extremes of weather the North Pennines can throw at us.

Ordering – Members Only!
Kit orders are sent off early in first term each year. This is to ensure a turn around by the end of term for ease of distribution. If you miss the order deadline it usually means waiting until next year, occasionally a second order is made to arrive for summer term but don’t count on it. As you can see the order form can be found below, it will only be open to submissions during ordering windows. In the mean time please find below the catalogue, size guide and price list*.
Size Guide:
Price List:
*The price list should be used as a rough guide only. In order to get an estimate of your order cost please total it up the add on 20% for VAT. There are other complications such as surcharges which need to be accounted for. The club treasurer will email you your exact cost once they have received your order.
The Prices for the Le Col Kit still needs to be finalised for 2019/2020 but this should be done at some point in the first term. If you have any questions about kit or what kit to order feel free to send me an email at [email protected].