Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking

Welcome to Mountain Biking at Durham University. We try to offer something for everyone, including trips to trail centres, local riding, Downhilling trips and weekends away to Wales, Scotland etc. We organise two rides a week, one on Wednesday afternoon, and one at the weekend as well as plent of weekend trips to trail centres further away.
Local Riding
With in 5 minutes ride of the science site there are jumps, Downhill and Cross Country trails providing plenty of riding for those just starting out or wishing to go on more casual rides. The local trail centre (Hamsterley) is a 30min drive and offers some great Cross Country and Downhill riding for all abilities.
Which Mountain Biking Discipline?
As said above, we cater for all styles of mountain biking. So whether you class yourself as a novice, a Cross Country rider, a Downhiller, a Freerider, a 4X racer or just someone that likes to mess about on a bike, chances are there will be something for you. If you ride cross country, but would like to try some DH then you are more than welcome to come along on a DH trip, and vice versa.
For those that are interested, there is the chance to ride competitively at Durham. Every year we take part in BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) Downhill race. It is generally two days long, with a practise day first, an overnight camp and BBQ, and the race the next day. We also attend smaller, more local Downhill and XC races.
Riding, riding and more riding is the best way to get better. However, if anyone is interested in training outside of riding time then the club runs a strength and conditioning session every week (ask for more details).
We will be holding a Freshers ride at the start of the first term so please come along! Details will be sent out by email and put on the Facebook page .
As well as the socials held by the clubs own social sec, we may have the odd mountain bike social on the side. This could be a trip to the pub, a night out, or even a night in watching the World Cup racing.

MTB Jersey
For the 2021/2022 academic year, we are stoked to announce our partnership with Uncrafted UK to supply us with some super fresh jerseys. We hope you’re going to like them as much as we do and are looking forward to seeing as many club members out repping the stash after our first kit order in 2021 Michaelmas Term!
Head over to the contact section of the website or alternatively join our Facebook group and post a question. Updates on rides etc. will also be posted on here.